Account Xpress
Personal Finances Manager
Version History
The following is a list of Account Xpress versions published
since its inception.Please click a version to reveal/hide its list of changes.
Version 4.0.5 - 2024/06/09
While importing an OFX or QFX file, when the description of a transaction is either missing
or preceded by one or more spaces, an import mapping is created with an empty mapping key.
This should not happen and can eventually lead to a data integrity error.
Version 4.0.5 fixes this problem.
When an import mapping that uses a category is modified, the wrong
category is selected when the Import Mapping Details dialog is presented.
Version 4.0.5 fixes this problem.
Version 4.0.4 - 2024/01/27
In the transaction and budget entry forms, the Amount field now has a dropdown
option to display a calculator in case the amount needs to be calculated.
A new button at the bottom-right corner of the right pane provides a new way to select a tab
(list or graph) in that pane.
In payee transactions list, whenever a new transaction is created for the payee selected,
the new transaction payee amount is not aligned correctly with other amounts in the list
until the list is refreshed.
Verion 4.0.4 fixes this problem.
When Account Xpress runs on a computer with multiple monitors, some messages may not
be displayed on the monitor on which the application started. For example, Account Xpress
starts on monitor 2 and the message "This file contains X transactions pending acceptance..."
is displayed on monitor 1.
Version 4.0.4 fixes this problem.
Various other minor fixes.
Version 4.0.3 - 2022/08/08
The File > Print > Category Transactions menu option is not working (i.e. not doing anything when selected).
Verion 4.0.3 fixes this problem.
When the Tree View Preferences option of the tree view popup menu is selected,
an error message (i.e. 'Cannot focus a disabled or invisible window.') is displayed.
Version 4.0.3 fixes this problem.
Some typos found in the help file have been corrected in version 4.0.3.
Version 4.0.2 - 2022/06/22
The first time the program runs and until a different date format is selected in the
application preferences dialog, date selectors are using an invalid format, preventing the
month from being displayed correctly (e.g. 2022/00/22 instead of 2022/06/22).
Version 4.0.2 fixes this problem.
After selecting a different date format in the application preferences dialog, the new
format does not take effect in the transaction details dialog until the program is restarted.
Version 4.0.2 fixes this problem.
Version 4.0.1 - 2022/05/24 (Major Release)
Enhanced user interface
In this new version, some controls have been relocated to make room for more predominant ones.
For example, the tabs control has been moved from the top to the bottom of the right pane.
The font size for most lists can be changed through the application preferences dialog.
Scrolling is now contextual; when scrolling is done with the mouse wheel, the control
(i.e. list or tree view) under the cursor is being scrolled as opposed to the one currently
selected. Dialogs are all using a larger font to make them easier to read on high definition
screens. New option for displaying negative numbers with a minus sign instead of parentheses.
Monthly based period selection
In Account Xpress version 3, a period can start or end on any date. In Account Xpress version 4,
the period must start at the beginning of a month and end at the end of the same month or a
different one (i.e. only full monthly periods can be selected). This is meant for any selected
period to coincide with the budget versus actual lists and reports, which are also monthly based.
General transactions list
A new general transaction list now allows you to see all the transactions in a given period
regardless of their respective accounts, categories and / or payees.
Accounts by Type
A new list of accounts grouped by account type (i.e. checking, savings, credit card, etc.)
is now available.
Accounts by Currency
Replaces the list of Foreign Accounts, which did not include the local currency accounts nor
currency group totals.
Enhanced navigation bar
The new navigation bar provides an alternative way to select any item in the tree view (left pane).
Improved budgeting
The two budgeting methods provided in version 3 have been replaced with a new and improved
budgeting method that uses time sensitive budget entries. Categories can now be used for
budgeting purposes only, tracking purposes only or both (i.e. budgeting and tracking).
While most categories should be used for both budgeting and tracking purposes, there are a
few exceptions. See Budgeting vs Tracking Categories in the Help file for more information.
Removal of occasional payees
Having countless occasional payees with only a few transactions has shown to be impractical
and even cumbersome. In this new version, it is recommended to keep track of payees only
with whom you do business regularly (e.g. at least once a month, every month) and to simply
add the name of occasional payees directly to their respective transaction description
(e.g. Teeth cleaning at Amazing Smiles).
Pending Transactions list
Better control of scheduled and imported transactions can now be achieved by placing those
transactions in a pending transactions list, where they can be further reviewed and / or
modified, and accepted separately.
Transaction template shortcut keys
Transaction templates can now have a user-assigned shortcut key starting with Ctrl + Shift
followed by an alphanumeric character of your choice. For example, Ctrl + Shift + F to
create an auto Fueling transaction, Ctrl + Shift + G to create a Groceries transaction, etc.
Import mappings
Import mappings allow you to have imported transactions automatically assigned to their
appropriate accounts, categories and / or payees.
Version 3.9.5 - 2020/02/17
After trying to open a file that appears to be corrupted, the
associated recovery file is automatically marked as read-only to
prevent it from being accidentally overwritten.
When the number of decimal places for displaying currencies is
set to anything other than 2 decimal places and a foreign
transaction is either created or modified, an invalid floating
point operation error message is generated after clicking the
OK button on the transaction details dialog.
Version 3.9.5 fixes this problem.
Access violation error when the tree view node marked as home
node is deleted and the file is then saved.
Version 3.9.5 fixes this problem.
List index out of bounds error when a transaction schedule or
transaction template item is dragged from the transaction details
list to a different category or payee.
Version 3.9.5 fixes this problem.
While using the Find Transaction dialog, controls in group boxes
must be clicked twice to achive their selection when the last
focused control is in a different group box.
Version 3.9.5 fixes this problem.
When the search for a transaction starts in a sub-account and the
transaction is found in another main account, the transaction
list of the main account is not displayed as it should if it was
not already displayed the last time a main account was selected.
Version 3.9.5 fixes this problem.
When the option to automatically update currency exchange rates
on file opening is selected and a file is opened, if the rate
server is not available, a floating point error occurs as soon
as the File > Properties or any other file properties related
option (e.g. File > Currencies) is selected.
Version 3.9.5 fixes this problem.
Version 3.9.4 - 2018/01/24
While importing category names from a QIF file, if the name of a
category is more than 30 characters long, the name should be
truncated to 30 characters, which does not happen in a file that
does not have any categories prior to the import.
Version 3.9.4 fixes this problem.
In the File Backup dialog, if the backup location path starts
with a server name, an invalid backup location error message is
displayed at the time of creating a backup copy of the file.
Version 3.9.4 fixes this problem.
In order to better prevent the remote possibility of file
corruption, starting with version 3.9.4, the program will shut
itself down should any unanticipated error ever occur while it is
being used.
Version 3.9.3 - 2017/11/17
When a transaction that uses an occasional payee is modified, the
payee selected is not displayed until the user selects 'Regular'
as payee type and the 'Occasional' as payee type again.
Version 3.9.3 fixes this problem.
Version 3.9.1 - 2015/03/02
With specific display settings, the size of the Transaction Details dialog is too small to accommodate the display of all
controls. Version 3.9.1 fixes this problem.
Index out of bounds error encountered when editing a split transaction right after starting Account Xpress.
Version 3.9.1 fixes this problem.
Index out of bounds error displayed when the Backspace or Delete button is pressed while a non-editable combo box has the focus.
Version 3.9.1 fixes this problem.
Version 3.9 - 2015/02/07
All forms have been modified to use true type fonts instead of fixed fonts and reformatted accordingly resulting in an overall
aesthetic enhancement of the user interface.
The file backup feature has been removed from the file properties dialogue to use its own one.
The password protection feature has been removed from the file properties dialogue to use its own one.
A message is now displayed to inform the user each time a scheduled backup completes.
The option to create a budget projection generator while creating a new budget category has been removed. This option appears to be
confusing to new users and budget projection generators can be created independently by users who are familiar with the workings
of budget projections.
The File Creation Wizard (confirmation page) refers to menu names that have changed; 'Category' instead of 'Categories' and
'Account' instead of 'Accounts'. Version 3.9 fixes this problem.
Access violation encountered after renaming an account, budget category or payee when its node is the last in its branch and
the new name doesn't change its position. Version 3.9 fixes this problem.
Version 3.8.8 - 2014/12/16
Renamed some of the tabs in the right pane of the main window in order to enhance the application user friendliness.
Renamed the 'Advanced' button in the transaction details dialog to 'Split' as it appears to be a more familiar term for most users.
Since version 3.8.7, the identification bar is not displayed by default for new users. Version 3.8.8 fixes this problem.
Version 3.8.7 - 2013/04/22
Aesthetic enhancements to make the interface better match the
look and feel of Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8.
Renamed 'Transaction Schedules' to 'Transaction Generators'
throughout the entire application with the hope of making this
concept (transaction schedules/generators) easier to understand.
The archive process in version 3.8.6 produces an archive file
that can not be read back by the application.
Version 3.8.7 fixes this problem.
Version 3.8.6 - 2012/03/13
When a large amount of money is used in a foreign transaction,
the number of significant digits used for the currency exchange
rate can occasionally be insufficient, resulting in the amount
being converted to be slightly rounded up or down during the
conversion. Version 3.8.6 fixes this problem.
Version 3.8.5 - 2011/02/09
New import wizard to make the import process more user-friendly.
In the import process of an OFX or QFX import file, when the
payee of the transaction being imported does not exist in the
current Account Xpress data file, the payee name is added to the
beginning of the transaction description (memo) field. The payee
name in the description field should make it easier to determine
which budget category (for income and expenses) or other account
(for transfers) the transaction belongs to.
In the import process, transactions that are not associated to
any budget category in the import file are automatically assigned
to a default budget category. This should help the user to assign
imported transactions to their proper budget category with simple
drag-and-drop operations from the default budget category.
Thousand separator no longer displayed for 'next check number' in
the Account Properties dialog.
Program icon display resolution enhanced for Windows Vista and 7.
After running the Archive process, the InFlow and OutFlow account
values include the inflow and outflow total of the period that
was archived. Version 3.8.5 fixes this problem.
Under specific circumstances, the 'Transaction not balanced'
warning can be displayed while trying to save a transaction even
when the transaction is balanced (i.e. sum of 'from' values equal
to sum of 'to' values). Version 3.8.5 fixes this problem.
Version 3.8 - 2010/12/23
New application preference to allow the user to select a short
date format that will be used throughout the entire application.
Essential Modification:
Starting with this release, an Internet connection is
required for registered users to unlock their copy of the
Version 3.7.3 - 2010/02/01
While creating or editing a transaction schedule in Vista, all
field labels on the Repeat Cycle page of the transaction
schedule wizard are invisible.
Version 3.7.3 fixes this problem.
While creating or editing a transaction, a new account cannot be
created on the fly if three or more accounts already exist in the
current file, even with the standard edition (i.e. this is a
limitation that should only apply to Account Xpress Lite).
Version 3.7.3 fixes this problem.
Version 3.7.2 - 2009/11/23
After repositioning a sub-category as a main category in the
tree view using a drag-and-drop operation, the Category pick
list is not always updated accordingly in the Transaction
Details dialog. Version 3.7.2 fixes this problem.
Version 3.7.1 - 2009/11/05
Changes to occasional payee names are not always reflected in the
Occasional Payee pick list of the Transaction Details dialog.
Version 3.7.1 fixes this problem.
Version 3.7 - 2009/10/10
With this new version, we are introducing a new and free edition of
Account Xpress named Account Xpress Lite. This new edition is limited
to three accounts, no sub-accounts and one currency, but is identical
to the standard edition in all other aspects.
All changes in this version of the standard edition have for purpose
to allow users to switch to the Lite edition at the end of their
evaluation period if they wish to do so without losing their current
application preferences. Therefore, already registered (licensed)
users of Account Xpress (standard edition) version 3.6 will find no
real advantage in upgrading to Account Xpress version 3.7, but can
still do so if they want to.
Also, starting with version 3.7, application preferences are stored
in a file (AX3.ini) located in the application data path instead of
the registry. Existing registry entries are moved to the AX3.ini
automatically and transparently.
Version 3.6 - 2009/06/17
A minor design change was made in the way bank codes are managed
in the file properties dialog. When a user selects a bank code in
the list, that bank code is automatically copied to the edit box,
suppressing the need for the user to click the Edit button (now
removed) in order to modify the bank code selected.
Although the Check#/Code field in the transaction details dialog
has been changed to accept both uppercase and lowercase
characters, the same field in the file properties dialog
continues to accept uppercase characters only.
Version 3.6 fixes this problem.
When a bank code is modified or deleted in the file properties
dialog, the change should be propagated to all the transactions
using that bank code. Version 3.6 fixes this problem.
Version 3.5.1 - 2009/06/04
The Check#/Code field in the transaction details dialog has been
changed to accept both uppercase and lowercase characters instead
of uppercase characters only.
In the export process, for split transactions where many accounts
are used, payees are not exported.
Version 3.5.1 fixes this problem.
Version 3.5 - 2009/04/07
In the export process, the Check#/Code values are not exported.
Version 3.5 fixes this problem.
In the export process, when the user selects an account to be
exported, the user has the option of creating a new account,
which is superfluous since a new account will have nothing to
export. Version 3.5 fixes this problem.
In the export process, transactions with an amount of $0.00 are
not exported. Version 3.5 fixes this problem.
Version 3.4 - 2009/02/16
UAC (Windows Vista / 7) compliance.
Help file shortcut in Windows' start menu pointing to the WinHelp
version of the help file, which has been replaced with an HTML
help file in version 3.3.5. Version 3.4 fixes this problem.
Under specific circumstances (i.e. when the working path becomes
different than the application path), the help file can no longer
be accessed by the application itself.
Version 3.4 fixes this problem.
Downloading a currency exchange rate while the currency exchange
service is not responding can result in the exchange rate being
set to zero, which can eventually result in a division by zero
error. Version 3.4 fixes this problem.
Version 3.3.5 - 2007/08/14
Help file converted to HTML format to be compatible with
Windows Vista, which no longer supports Win32 help files.
Version 3.3.4 - 2005/12/18
It should not be possible to set the currency exchange rate of
foreign transactions to zero, which causes 'division by zero'
errors. Version 3.3.4 fixes this problem.
The controls on the transaction details panel, which is displayed
at the top of a transaction list, do not always retain their
previous display size between sessions.
Version 3.3.4 fixes this problem.
When the 'Advanced' button is clicked after checking the 'Budget
projection' check box while creating a new budget projection, the
'Category' radio button should be selected automatically on the
advanced page of the 'New Transaction' dialog and the list of
categories should be displayed instead of the list of accounts.
Version 3.3.4 fixes this problem.
The 'Payee amount' field should be disabled on the advanced page
of the transaction details dialog when creating/modifying a
budget projection. Version 3.3.4 fixes this problem.
After renaming the category selected in the tree view, if the
category is repositioned in the tree view, the 'Actuals versus
Budget' list is not refreshed to show the new category name for
that category and its sub-categories.
Version 3.3.4. fixes this problem.
After editing a cleared transaction, if the date of the
transaction is changed, the transaction is uncleared
automatically when saved. Version 3.3.4 fixes this problem.
Version 3.3.3 - 2005/03/01
After importing transactions, the payee on the imported
transactions does not appear in the account's transaction list
until the file is saved and opened again.
Version 3.3.3 fixes this problem.
Version 3.3.2 - 2005/02/21
When a transaction is moved from one payee to another using a
drad-and-drop operation, the transfer is only partly completed,
causing an access violation error the next time the transaction
is displayed in the transaction list of an account.
Version 3.3.2 fixes this problem.
Version 3.3.1 - 2005/02/19
When a QFX or OFX file contains some 'tab' characters, the
program reports a conversion error during the import process.
Version 3.3.1 fixes this problem.
When the Windows DPI (Dots Per Inch) display setting is changed
from the standard size of 96 DPI to any other size, some of the
controls appear misplaced, specially in the Transaction Details
dialog. Version 3.3.1 fixes this problem.
When there is no payee to be imported in a QIF file, the program
reports a 'Nothing to import' message even when transactions
exist in the import file. Version 3.3.1 fixes this problem.
Version 3.3 - 2005/02/05
Behaviour Change:
Double-clicking an account in the list of accounts makes this
account automatically selected in the tree view instead of
displaying its properties dialog. Same scenario with
sub-accounts, categories and payees.
Added glossary of main terms in help file.
Added 'Period Opening Balance' entry to the Account Condensed
Transaction List report.
Added a Web Site page and an address page to the payee properties dialog.
Added credit limit (CR Limit) and available credit (Available CR)
columns to the list of accounts and the list of foreign accounts.
This change has for effect to reset the default column width
and position of all columns in those lists. You can hide a column
completely by resizing it to a width of zero pixels.
Added free text Notes page on the Account, Sub-account, Category
and Payee Properties dialogs.
Added an Address page to the Account Properties dialog.
Added Card page to Sub-account Properties dialog (Card#, Expiry
date, PIN Number).
Removed the 80-character restriction on the web site URL in the
Account Properties dialog.
Added a category property to determine if an income category is
passive or not.
Created Financial Freedom Meter on the main 'Actual versus
Budget' page (when the 'Budget Categories' node is selected).
Added a Payee column in the account's transaction list.
This change has for effect to reset the default column width
and position of all columns in the account's transaction list. You
can hide a column completely by resizing it to a width of zero
Added a single space after positive numbers in lists and reports
to 'better' align positive and negative values on the decimal
When importing accounts, categories or payees, double spaces are
now replaced with a single space in names.
When importing a QIF file, uncategorized items are now assigned
to a default category called 'Default'. If one or more
uncategorized items are found during the import, a message is
also displayed at the end of the import process to this effect.
When importing a QIF file, if an account name, category name or
payee name has more than 30 characters, it is truncated to 30
characters before checking if it already exists.
The 'Generate now...' option does not always generate all the
transactions that should be generated according to the selected
stop date. Version 3.3.0 fixes this problem.
When archiving data, an error occurs if the current list is a
transaction list that displays currently archived data.
Version 3.3.0 fixes this problem.
When selecting the 'Last Quarter to Date' period, a 'Invalid
argument to date encode' error is generated.
Version 3.3.0 fixes this problem.
The 'Delete template...' option of the popup menu of the template
list is always disabled. Version 3.3.0 fixes this problem.
In the transaction list of a Payee, if a transaction is changed
from expense to income, the amount appears as negative in the
Received column instead of being displayed as a positive value in
the Paid column, until the list is refreshed.
Version 3.3.0 fixes this problem.
In the transaction list of a Payee, if a transaction is changed
from income to expense, the amount appears as positive in both
the Received and Paid columns, until the list is refreshed.
Version 3.3.0 fixes this problem.
After having imported some payees from a QIF file, the pick lists
for the payees in the Transaction Details dialog are not always
updated to include the new imported payees.
Version 3.3.0 fixes this problem.
In some QIF import files, the date contains a single quote
character to indicate that the following 2-digit year is in the
21st century, in which case an 'Invalid date format' error is
reported. Version 3.3.0 recognizes these special format dates
and imports them properly.
On the Condensed Transaction List reports, long descriptions in
the Description column sometimes override the value in the next
column of the report. Version 3.3.0 truncates descriptions that
are too long to fit in their respective column.
The 'Getting Started' option of the Help menu points to the wrong
help topic. Version 3.3.0 fixes this problem.
In the list of currencies, the name 'Surinam' was changed to the
proper spelling 'Suriname'.
When 2 identical transactions are found in a QIF file during the
import process (e.g. 2 withdrawals of the same amount on the same
day), the second transaction is considered as a 'duplicate' and
is therefore not imported. Version 3.3.0 fixes this problem.
Version 3.2.9 - 2004/12/10
A bug was introduced in version 3.2.7 that causes an 'access
violation' error when a new transaction schedule is created and
the list of transaction schedules is not currently displayed.
Please note that despite the access violation error, the new
transaction schedule is recorded properly.
Version 3.2.9 fixes this problem.
Version 3.2.8 - 2004/12/07
A bug was introduced in version 3.2.7 that causes an 'index out of
bound' error whenever the 'Budget Categories' node is selected in
the tree view. Version 3.2.8 fixes this problem.
Version 3.2.7 - 2004/12/07
The list of transaction schedules is now sorted by next occurrence
date. This should make it easier to determine which payment is due
In the list of transaction schedules, the 'Description Mask' column
was changed to a simple description where the variable names are
replaced with their respective content surrounded by square
brackets. For example, a description mask of 'Rent of &MMMM;' will
appear as 'Rent of [December]' in the list of transaction schedules
assuming that December is the month of the description date for
this transaction schedule. With this enhancement, the 'Desc Date',
'Occ#' and 'Top Occ' columns are no longer required in the list of
transaction schedules, and thus have been removed.
In the list of transaction schedules, a new column was created to
display the 'Frequency' at which the transactions are generated for
each transaction schedule.
When the File Properties dialog is displayed, the option to generate
scheduled transactions is unchecked by default, even if it has been
checked and saved previously on the current file.
Version 3.2.7 fixes this problem.
When editing a transaction schedule, the description date is replaced
with the next occurrence date. Version 3.2.7 fixes this problem.
When clicking the 'Back' button on the Description Mask page of the
transaction schedule details dialog, the description mask is reset to
what it was before reaching the Description Mask page.
Version 3.2.7 fixes this problem.
Transaction schedules cannot be moved unless a regular transaction
was displayed just prior to displaying the list of transaction
schedules. Same scenario with transaction templates.
Version 3.2.7 fixes this problem.
When moving a transaction schedule or transaction template in its
list, the 'File Modified' flag should be set to indicate that the
file has changed but is not. Version 3.2.7 fixes this problem.
Version 3.2.6 - 2004/11/09
A new page was added to the file creation dialog to allow the user to
provide a password during the creation of a new file.
Resizing the advanced transaction dialog no longer affects the size of the
basic transaction dialog, which shouldn't change.
In order to better conform to Windows standards, the Ctrl+A, Ctrl+C and
Ctrl+P shortcuts, which were set to create a new account, new budget
category and new payee respectively no longer serve this purpose. The
Ctrl+A shortcut now selects all entries in a list (as long as the list has
the focus). The Ctrl+C shortcut similarly copies all selected entries in
the currently focused list to the clipboard. Ctrl+P is now the shortcut to
print a report.
The Ctrl+N, Ctrl+O and Ctrl+S shorcuts have been assigned to File New, File
Open, and File Save respectively.
In order to make the main screen caption look less cluttered, the file name
is now displayed without its full path.
Prior to opening a file, if the current file has pending changes (not
saved), a confirmation is required for saving the changes to the current
file. By clicking 'Cancel', the file-open process should stop at this
point but instead continues as if the user clicked 'No' to discard the
changes to the current file and continue with opening the next file.
Version 3.2.6 fixes this problem.
Some dialogs appear not centered and/or partially off-screen when displayed
on monitors with a resolution of 800X600 or less.
Version 3.2.6 fixes this problem.
When the Total row of a list is selected, the Copy-to-clipboard option is
automatically disabled even though it should not.
Version 3.2.6 fixes this problem.
Version 3.2.5 - 2004/08/24
After repositioning a column in a list, the new column position
is now preserved even after restarting the program.
Deleting the last account in the tree view produces a data
exception error. Version 3.2.5 fixes this problem.
Version 3.2.4 - 2004/08/04
When creating a simple transfer transaction, if the 'To' account
name does not yet exist, the program prompts the user to create
a new category instead of the new account. Version 3.2.4 fixes this problem.
Missing Omani Rial (OMR) currency. Version 3.2.4 fixes this problem.
Version 3.2.3 - 2004/08/03
When opening a file created with version 2, an error is reported
if the file contains one or more accounts of type 'Other'.
Version 3.2.3 fixes this problem.
Version 3.2.2 - 2004/06/30
When editing the properties of an account, the name of the account
being modified is now displayed in the title bar of the Account
Properties dialog.
When editing the properties of a sub-account, the name of the
sub-account being modified is now displayed in the title bar of the
Sub-Account Properties dialog.
When editing the properties of a catgegory, the name of the
category being modified is now displayed in the title bar of the
Category Properties dialog.
When editing the properties of a payee, the name of the payee
being modified is now displayed in the title bar of the Payee
Properties dialog.
The tab caption of the transaction schedules list now displays
'List of Transaction Schedules' instead of 'List of Transactions'.
The tab caption of the transaction templates list now displays
'List of Transaction Templates' instead of 'List of Transactions'.
The tab caption for the list of categories and the list of
sub-categories has been changed to 'Actuals versus Budget', which
is a more appropriate title for these lists.
Changed the shortcut key for Application to 'n' and Account to 'a' in
the main menu.
Changed 'Asset' to 'Other Asset' and 'Liability' to 'Other Liability'
in the default list of account types.
Changed the 'List of Categories' and 'List of Sub-Categories' tabs
to 'Actuals versus Budget'.
Replaced the 'Account->New->Account...' and 'Account->New->
Sub-Account...' with a simpler 'Account->New...' option since the
account level (Account / Sub-Account) can be selected through the
New Account dialog anyway.
Replaced the 'Payee->New->Regular...' and 'Payee->New->Occasional...'
options with a simpler 'Payee->New...' option since the kind of payee
(Regular / Occasional) can be selected through the New Payee dialog
After adding a 5th template, the template name appears in the first
and 5th position in the template menu list.
A bank code entered in a trans template is not recognized when using
the template to create a new basic transaction; the next check number
is used instead.
An access violation is generated when trying to import a QIF file that
contains one or more empty strings.
Accounts, sub-accounts, categories, payees and templates having an
ampersand '&' as part of their name are often displayed with the
ampersand character replaced by an underscore character under the
letter following the ampersand.
The Alt+A key combination should not act as a shortcut to create a
new account but Ctrl+A should.
On the Description mask page of a transaction template or new
transaction series, if you set the occurence number to a large number
like 19 and then change the number of occurrences to 36, the occurrence
number is then reset to 3 as soon as you type '3' in the number of
occurrences field.
'Top occurrence' has been changed to 'Number of occurrences' in the
Description Mask page of the Transaction Details dialog.
After adding a bank code thru the File Propoperties dlg, the 'Move down'
button is still enabled although the new entry is now the one selected
and it is the last one in the list.
After changing the account type of an account while the account list is
displayed, the list is not refreshed to show the new account type for
that accnt.
When deleting all accounts then the total line remains in the account
After deleting an account directly from the list of accounts, the list
of is not refreshed. Same behavior with the list of categories and the
list of payees.
When selecting different tabs in the right pane after selecting a
category in the left pane, sometimes the transaction details panel
appears where it should not and sometimes it does not appear where it
When presenting the Income/Expenses pie chart for a specific category,
that category should not appear in the chart if its value is zero for
the currently selected period.
When creating a transaction series or transaction schedule, the
description from the transaction details page should be carried forward
to the transaction description mask.
Version 3.2.1 - 2004/05/10
When a specific date range is selected for the default
period, the program ignores the date range and calcu-
lates an invalid period instead. Version 3.2.1 fixes
this problem.
The contact information of a payee cannot be saved.
Version 3.2.1 fixes this problem.
On the advanced page of the transaction details dialog,
once a bank code or check number has been set for a
transaction item, it is not possible to change it.
Version 3.2.1 fixes this problem.
Version 3.2 - 2004/05/07
Creation of a new transaction details page for the creation
and/or modification of simple Expense, Income and Transfer
In order to simplify the split transaction entry dialog, this
version eliminates the possibility of creating a transaction
with both a payer and a payee.
When saving a new transaction created with a template in a
foreign currency, an access violation is generated.
The next check number of an account is not always incremented
as expected when a new transaction is created for that account.
Under specific circumstances, the occasional payee list is
displayed even if the 'Regular' payee radio button is selected
on the transaction details dialog.
An access violation is generated when a transaction series is
created with a stop date prior to the start date.
When importing some specific OFX files, an invalid amount error
can be generated even though the amount is valid.
Version 3.0.1 - 2004/04/01 (Major Release)
New name:
Starting with version 3, the name of the application is
changed from 'Account Express' to 'Account Xpress'.
New transaction model:
Instead of dealing with Income, Expense and Transfer
transactions, all you need to know in this version is where
the money is coming 'from' and where it is going 'to'. This
should make the process of entering transactions simpler while
allowing the creation of more complex split transactions. For
example, you can have many accounts and many categories
together involved in a single split transaction.
Transaction scheduling:
With version 3, you can now create recurring (scheduled)
transactions that are generated automatically or on demand
at the proper time. By default, transactions generated by a
transaction schedule will appear underlined in their
respective transaction list until accepted by the user.
Accepting an automatically generated transaction is as simple
as selecting the transaction in the list and then pressing the
'a' key or clicking the 'Accept' button (single check mark
button) on the right pane tool bar.
Transaction templates:
You can now use transaction templates to quickly create
transactions that recur at irregular intervals.
Budget projections:
In previous versions of Account Xpress, budget figures were
entered as averages (i.e. so much per month for this, so much
per week for that, etc.). While the 'average' method of
entering budget figures still exists in version 3, a new and
more accurate method has also been implemented. Through budget
projections, you can now say exactly when and how much you are
planning to earn/spend on a specific budget category. And
budget projections can also be scheduled to generate
automatically at the proper time. Budget projections appear
in a light gray color in the transaction list to make them
easier to discern from regular transactions.
Actual versus Budget comparisons:
Version 3 now has some lists and reports for you to see how
your budget (projections and average) compares to your actual
income and expenditures.
Additional budget category levels:
Budget categories are no longer limited to two levels.
Although the number of levels is not physically limited,
the space required to display them on a report is. Also,
sub-categories no longer need to be of the same type as their
parent category; an income category can have some expense
sub-categories and vice-versa. For example, if you own a
renting property, you can have a 'Renting property' income
category with a 'Maintenance' expense sub-category.
Support for multiple currencies:
Version 3 provides support for up to 150 different currencies
and it is NOT mandatory to have an account in a specific
currency to be able to use that currency in Account Xpress'
Password protection:
Account Xpress files can now be password protected and
encrypted to prevent the exposition of their content even with
special editors sometimes used to explore the data in its
binary format.
In version 3, accounts can now have sub-accounts. This can be
useful for example when a credit card is shared among many
members of the family, each of them being responsible of their
respective spending. It can also be useful for putting some
money aside until a certain amount is reached, to take a
vacation for example.
Import/ Export:
Version 3 can import from and export to Quicken Interchange
files (qif), and can import from Open Financial Exchange files
(ofx and qfx). It is also now possible to copy selected entries
from any list to the clipboard for pasting into other
applications such as Excel.
Merging categories or payees:
With version 3 you now have the ability to easily merge
together two categories or two payees at any time.
Click-and-drag operation:
Categories and payees can be re-located in the tree view with
simple click-and-drag operations. Transaction split items can
also be moved from one category to another or from one payee to
another in the same way.
Two groups of payees:
To make it easier to find a payee in a list, the payees are
divided into two groups in version 3, the Regular Payees and
the Occasional Payees.
File backup:
You can now easily backup your file(s) on a regular basis using
the new backup utility.
Version 2.0d - 2001/05/20
When removing some categories from a previously created
split transaction containing three or more categories,
the categories may be only partially removed. As a
result, some partial category transactions may remain in
the file and generate error messages to the user when
trying to modify or delete them. Version 2.0d fixes this
Version 2.0c - 2001/04/30
When in the Windows' regional settings, the Decimal
symbol is different than a period '.' or the Digit
grouping symbol is different than a commma ',' then
clicking the "Chart Controls..." button on the Income
or Expenses Summary Graph dialog generates the following
error message: "Error reading
edOthersValue.DisplayFormat: Access violation at
address 00573B60 in module 'AX.EXE'. Read of address
FFFFFFFF". Version 2.0c fixes this problem.
Version 2.0b - 2001/04/20
One transaction is repeated continously in any of the
Transactions report (Account Transactions, Category
Transactions and Payee Transactions) when the number of
transactions in the report exceeds 255. Version 2.0b
fixes this problem.
Version 2.0a - 2001/01/21
Categories and Payers/Payees totals are not recalculated
after year-end closing process completes. Version 2.0a
fixes this problem.
Version 2.0 - 2001/01/15 (Major Release)
Functionality to split a transaction amount between many
Incremental search functionality in all combo-boxes.
Maximum size of a payee name increased to 30 characters
(was 20 characters in prior versions).
New field created in account details to hold a bank card
Charting capability for the Accounts Summary, Categories
Summary, Income Summary and Expenses Summary.
Description now defaults to category selected in new
Income or Expense transaction.
When renaming a main category and then creating a
sub-category for the renamed category, the new
sub-category may appear under the wrong main category
and eventually prevent the program from saving the data
properly. Version 2.0 fixes this problem.
Version 1.2 - 2000/07/03
In the transaction lists, transactions that have not yet
been cleared now appear in bold in order to make it
easier to distinguish between cleared and non-cleared
Also in the transaction lists, transactions with a date
passed the current system date now appear in color
maroon instead of black in order to make it easier to
distinguish them from the transactions having a date
prior or equal to the current system date.
Two new buttons ('New' and 'Edit') were added to the
transaction details panel as another mean for adding or
editing transactions.
When resizing the tree-list view to its minimum size, it
becomes impossible to resize it back to its original or
any other visual size. Version 1.2 fixes this problem.
In very rare and specific circumstances, it is possible
to create two categories with the same name. The system
should never allow this to happen as this could have
very unpredictable results. Version 1.2 fixes this
Version 1.1 - 2000/03/26
Support for currency format defined in regional
Support for three-letter month when defined by the
short-date format in regional settings. This option
changes slightly the way a date is selected from a date
Before saving a file, if the file already exists, the
file is renamed with the extension '.~acx' so the user
can return to the previous version of the file if
When a grid loses the focus, the color of the currently
selected row in the grid now changes to a different
color to make it easier to distinguish whether the grid
has the focus or not.